
Make him a little jealous - or - 10 ways to make your partner jealous

Learn how to spice up your relationship by creating a little jealousy

Photo: envato

Psychologists claim that distrust in oneself and one's partner is one of the most common causes of jealousy. What if you want to inject a little jealousy into your relationship to spice things up? Do you think your partner is not jealous enough? Here are 10 moves you can make to provoke a jealous reaction from your partner.

Jealousy it can be a difficult emotion to navigate in any ratio. On the one hand, it can be a sign of a lack of trust in yourself or your partner and can lead to destructive behavior. On the other hand, a little jealousy can be a healthy way to spice up a relationship. If you want to arouse a little jealousy in your partner, here it is 10 moves, which you can do according to psychologists. So, how to make your partner jealous?

  • Laugh at other men's jokes. Even if you laugh at something that is genuinely funny, your partner may interpret it as the other man being attracted to you.
  • Flirt with other men. Playing with your hair, seductive smiles and pouting your lips are classic flirtatious moves that can make your partner jealous. Just make sure it's light and don't overdo it.
  • You love male celebrities. It's natural to admire the physical features of famous actors or athletes, but be careful how much you talk about them in front of your partner.
  • List the names of male colleagues. If you constantly talk about one male co-worker, your partner may start to think you have feelings for him.
  • Correspond with other men. Whether it's through text messages or social media, spending time and words on other men can make your partner feel uncomfortable. Even if the conversations are innocent, your partner may start to wonder what else is being said.
  • Have a close male friend. Even if your relationship with your friend is completely platonic, your partner may struggle with the idea of spending so much time with another man.
  • Remember the good times with your ex. Bringing up your ex around your partner can make them feel insecure and wonder if you still have feelings for your ex.
  • Spend time without your partner. Going on vacation with friends or alone can make your partner feel like you're not enjoying spending time with them.
  • Go to parties without your partner. Even if it's a work function or a night out with friends, your partner may feel left out and wonder what you're doing without him.
  • Working late into the night. Unexpected night shifts can make your partner feel like you're not making enough time for them and that you're prioritizing your work over your relationship.


It is important to note that these actions may not necessarily be a healthy way to improve a relationship and should be used with caution. It's also important to communicate with your partner and make sure you're both on the same page. Creating a little jealousy can be a fun and exciting way to spice up a relationship, but it's important to pay attention to partner's feelings and don't push things too far.

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