
6 Hidden Signs That Jealousy Is Ruining Your Relationship

Photo: Rodnae Productions / Pexels

Jealousy is a feeling known to everyone. Some even claim that it is completely normal in a relationship - in small doses, of course. But it often happens that jealousy becomes too strong and thus begins to destroy a relationship that looked so promising at the beginning. To prevent this from happening, we have prepared for you 6 hidden signs that jealousy is destroying your relationship.

How can you recognize that jealousy is destroying your relationship?

1. You become insecure about yourself

Experts note that it is the main cause of jealousy low self-esteem, which after a certain time, when we encounter this emotion, still lowers. This can manifest itself in a number of different ways: You may be starting doubt your own judgment and you constantly wonder if there is something distorted behind your partner's gestures. You may notice that more and more you observe others and be with them you compare, and constant on itself you look for mistakes.
If this is happening to you, it's time to stop. you gasp and think about it, where such feelings could come from. You have to remember that it doesn't even matter what others look like - your partner is you chose you. Also, try not to be pondered deeply o to any innocent situation- if your partner gives you no reason to be jealous, then there is no reason to doubt him.

Are you looking for faults in yourself or reasons to love yourself? Photo: Ivan Samkov / Pexels

2. You find it increasingly difficult to concentrate

How you function in your daily life largely depends on how balanced it is a village inner world. And if it is filled with unhealthy jealousy, then it is quite normal that inner peace will be difficult for you to achieve. This will not only cause you to harder to concentrate, but it can also affect increased anxiety, sleep problems and more intense sensation sadness and has already.
Therefore, it is very important to increase your jealousy notice as soon as possible and be with him face it.

3. Every conversation leads to an argument

We can all agree how important she is in a relationship communication. This is exactly why jealousy can be so destructive: everyone innocent conversation can lead to arguing, which can end with the question of why they are still in the relationship at all. Your relationship will begin to crumble the moment you begin to perceive your partner as your own opponent and not the person with whom they should grow together and stand by each other's side.
So try to look at the situation as much as possible realistically: so much beautiful moments you can lose if you let jealousy take over you completely.

How helpless we feel when the conversation ends in an argument again Photo: Alena Darmel / Pexels

4. The partner becomes reserved in your company

Conversations that lead to arguments can also cause your partner to become a part of your company restrained. Not only that it is communications between you all the time less, but you notice that all of a sudden you he no longer trusts, what happened to him during the day and what fills his mind the most. This happens because he is worried that you will find in every piece of information reason to doubt him and assembling a new one theories about what he did wrong. And this very thing greatly reduces the quality of your relationship.

5. Trust also deteriorates on the part of the partner

If you continue to be partners accused and doubts to his sincerity, it may happen too soon that he begins to you return distrust. It might be because of your performances suspected, that you are the one doing something wrong, but maybe he will simply put himself in defensive position and behaved towards you in the same way as you behave towards him.
In both cases, it is by no means something that would have a positive effect on your relationship, so it is important that you find time to a long and honest conversation. Then they express their feelings without blaming, insults and performances, which originate from fear.

Do you think your partner has stopped trusting you? Photo: Cottonbro Studio / Pexels

6. You notice that you have completely misunderstood situations

Ours strong emotions and painful memories they can cause us to interpret a situation in a way that is completely different from reality. This does not indicate our mental deficiencies, but it is a sign that ours has been activated pain from the past or fear of abandonment or rejection, which instantly put us in the defensive position. When the "dangerous" situation passes, our emotions also become weaker - then again we think soberly and thus we find that we have reacted perfectly wrong.
If you notice that this keeps happening to you, it's time to deal with yours face your fears. Your partner does not deserve to spend his everyday life in expecting your anger and accusations, and you are worth it to give yours welcome the past and you are so capable healthy and loving relationships.

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