
Do these 7 things on Sunday to make your work week better

Photo: envato

Since most people are under a lot of stress during the week, the weekend is an ideal day for some hobby and also for planning the new work week. In order for it to start in a more organized way, we reveal to you things that facilitate its arrival.

1. Prepare weekly meals

One of the biggest daily stresses is thinking about what to quickly make for dinner after work. Meal planning can be dramatic reduces daily stress, which you use to prepare meals when you return from work.


2. Adopt a habit that will relax you

Sunday is an ideal day for relaxation in nature, yoga, meditation and time for your family. Find something that will relax you and recharge your batteries. You have to take care of your own body and spirit, to stay healthy.

3. Go to bed early

Even though it's the weekend and you don't have to get out of bed early on Sundays, don't stay up too long. Research has shown that losing two or more hours of normal sleep for just a few days in a row negatively affects memory and reaction time. From Sunday to Monday, make sure you get a good 7 to 9 hours of rest. This way, you will enter the new week with more energy and you will generally be in a much better mood.


4. Organize a week in advance

A lot can be done with good organization and you can feel better mentally prepare for obligations, which await you in the coming week. It is not necessary to write down every chore in the house or the little things that you do automatically every day, but it is important to have an overview of the coordination of obligations and free time.

5. Book time to exercise

No matter how busy you are, find time for yourself and exercise. People who exercise regularly sleep better, have more energy and have improved analytical skills. When planning, ask yourself if you are an evening or a morning person, and when do you have the most energy? Once you find the answers to these questions, align your schedule with your preferences.


6. Get some air

Everyone likes to spend Sunday under warm blankets watching their favorite series. But these Sundays can quickly become too much. It's time to get active and get out into nature. According to research conducted at the University of Michigan, nature and air can positively affect relaxation and improve it human memory by as much as twenty percent.

7. Make a list of things you look forward to

Think and make a list of things that make you happy and will happen in the new week. Whether it's going to lunch with a friend or finishing a work project.
Remembering all the things that are positive and make you happy will make it easier for you to do difficult tasks because they encourage you enthusiasm and energy level.


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