During the holidays, two Tjašas, Tjaša Kokalj Jerala and Tjaša Perko, took some time to chat online through a LIVE event on the Instagram channel @philips_si. They chatted about many things, from how their days have been for the past two months to how they help each other with all the household and family chores. While both of them are very busy and active individuals, they are also mothers, who are currently being helped mainly by domestic helpers, among others, their new "bestie" has been very much in the foreground for the last few months Philips SpeedPro Max Aqua.
The best home workout apps 2021 are a great way to stretch and move when you can't hit the gym. But it's hard to know which ones are really worth your time. The App Store and Google Play Store are full of apps to help you improve your mobility and fitness at home, but only the best home workout apps are made by trained professionals who truly understand what makes exercise safe and effective.

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