Audrey Hepburn, Marilyn Monroe, Brigitte Bardot... are synonymous with the ladies of the last century, who are also inspired by many modern women. It is more than obvious that patterns from past times are gradually returning to our everyday life and the real LADY will also get her place under this sun. Are you like that too or do you belong to the circle of 'ordinary' women?
It's no secret that in Europe we know what a good party is. But as the saying goes, a lot of music, a lot of money - a ticket and two drinks, but we are already bankrupt. To prevent your bank account from drying up this summer, take a look at the list of the top 15 places where partying is the cheapest in Europe. To your health and of course to your mind.
Organization is quite important in modern life – seminars, books, workshops, photos, videos, lectures… We seem to want to find a way to completely organize every aspect of our lives. Thus, untidiness is seen as something characteristic of lazy and careless people, while cleanliness and organization are perfections that lead to success in all areas of life. Is this true?

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