French women are famous all over the world for their seduction and sexuality. They are proud, sensual and confident. They are aware of their attractiveness, but they do not allow themselves to become vain. Of course, these are all stereotypes, but for a large proportion of French women, they hold true. Why do French women always have an abundance of male attention and what does this have to do with self-esteem? You can read the answer to this mystery in this article.
More and more people are aware that our planet is in danger. While some are just talking, others are actually doing something: cleaning beaches, making products from plastic from the oceans, and even building small farms and eco-friendly cities. Here are 11 inspiring stories of people doing miracles every day to save our dear Earth.
Livity are bio-precise bars with superfoods, hand-crafted chocolate and live cultures, protected by a double protein and fiber capsule. Named after the Rastafarian concept of inner energy that flows through all living things, they made their debut in New York. The enticing taste, 4 types of vegan live cultures derived from lactobacilli and bifidobacteria, attractive packaging and high-quality raw ingredients that are certified organic and naturally grown are great reasons why you will treat yourself to this bar very soon.
Are you sure your lotion is not tested on animals? Is the lipstick vegan? How can you be sure that your skin care cream is organic? Trying to decode the ingredient list of your favorite skin care product can often be tiring and frustrating. To help you find out what's really in your cosmetics, we've come to your aid with a guide to organic, vegan, natural, pure and fair trade cosmetics.
A little more than twenty years ago, Dave Kalama, Laird Hamilton and their Hawaiian colleagues probably had no idea that they would make history in sports. Successful and world-famous wave riders, when the sea did not offer high waves for surfing, took a paddle to their boards and trained by stand-up paddling. It didn't take long for others to follow suit, first in Hawaii, later in California and beyond. The turn of the millennium is considered the beginning of modern paddle surfing (supanja), which is currently the fastest developing sport. Because it is an attractive activity, the popularity of diving can be seen at every turn. In the last few years, Slovenia has been "overwhelmed" by more and more enthusiastic young people and a little less young people who take up surfing on all types of water.

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