Women have quite a few types of clothes in their closets that men don't like and simply don't understand. Many times they prefer to remain silent, because they know that they can quickly (unintentionally) offend a woman with such comments. After a thorough analysis of men's magazines and forums, we came up with a few key pieces of women's clothing that men don't like. See what they are below.
Our relationships—casual, romantic, friendly—affect us far more than we realize. The people around us can change us, both positively and negatively. If we are unhappy and feel like life is beating us down, then it may actually be the result of one of our relationships. That's why we need to remove such people from our lives, and here are five types of 'toxic' people we really don't need.
Autumn is the time when mushrooms, which are considered one of the most delicious fruits that nature has to offer, appear on our plates again. Vitamins, fiber, plant proteins, low fat, minerals, calcium, potassium, magnesium, zinc, sodium, selenium, phosphates, iron and plenty of water ensure that mushrooms are a balanced and healthy meal. In the following, we present to you recipes with mushrooms that everyone should know.
Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Ljubljana, a three-day international premium fashion week, is coming to Cankarjev dom between October 22 and 24. MBFWLJ's Facebook page will offer a free 360-degree view of live images from fashion shows, and we will be able to see fashion shows of avant-garde, progressive and classic fashion designers such as AKULTURA, Cliché, Dajana Ljubičić, D'Alpaos, IVANMAN, MÊHLÊ , Natasa Persuh, SENS, Sofia Nogard, Susnyara, Tanja Zorn and Vlada Savić. The international star of this year's opening will be the fashion performance of the house Gattioni, which in 2009 also officially became part of the Italian cultural heritage.
The unusual exhibition Hidden - Revealed (from October 6 to 31, 2016) is currently on view at the Creative Gallery, which reveals what is usually hidden from view. On it, the artist and photographer Bojan Sobočan, who has been creating casts of children's legs and arms and pregnant bellies for years, exhibits casts of the most intimate part of the female body - the vagina.
Baking soda is one of the most interesting and versatile home remedies. It will help you in cooking, cleaning, cosmetics and many other things. Here are the best (and tried and tested!) suggestions.
We often think that we know each other to the last detail and that we correctly predict our reactions in various situations. These fascinating experiments proved the opposite, proving that we are much more complicated than we think, and that we just don't know ourselves that well. Read on to find out which seven experiments have shown that nature surpasses all our knowledge and that we hide more inside us than we think.
Just like fiction and other types of art, films also hide complex ideas behind an apparently one-sided comprehensible story, which are often difficult to notice even at the first viewing. Films with a hidden meaning, which hide social criticism, psychoanalytic diagnosis of the protagonist, elaboration of different states of consciousness, etc., will pull you into a completely different world from the one shown on the surface on the second viewing.

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