Winter has already made it clear in the higher elevations that it won't be long before it conquers the lowlands as well and wipes the dust from our radiators, fireplaces and stoves. With the cold air outside, the heating also brings dry air behind the four walls. This is where the Dyson humidifier and air purifier comes in, which not only prevents the appearance of dry air, but also ensures that the apartment is free of bacteria with UV light.
This year's 25th Ljubljana International Film Festival brings a rich selection of feature films, from which it is very difficult to choose. We would prefer to see everything. To make the choice between more than 100 films easier, we have prepared a shortlist of the ten best.
In the near future, pedestrians caught in a downpour could very easily pull a plastic wand that looks like some kind of hair dryer or new massage tool out of their purse. This is the "Air Umbrella", a prototype device from China that blows rain away in a radius of three meters or more.
This autumn, let's remove unhealthy snacks from our menu and instead of fatty stews, white bread sandwiches and soups, which are mainly based on cream, treat ourselves to a delicious warm meal, which provides our body with a generous amount of vitamins and minerals without excess unhealthy fats and processed carbohydrates . The tomato soup recipe will be perfect for this.
Autumn is the time when refreshing fruits and fresh vegetables are replaced by warmer dishes that comfort us when colder days creep into our lives. As long as we like to take care of excellent psychophysical well-being even in the cold months, every day instead of a heavy meal we treat ourselves to one of the delicious fruit and vegetable smoothies, which supply our body with the necessary vitamins and minerals, help to eliminate toxins from the body and stimulate the metabolism.
When an animator, a filmmaker, an architect and an "island tinkerer" come together, a unique DIY band is created. The Belgian band could easily be defined as indie-pop at first, but they hide much more. At the end of October, their latest album "Stad Van Licht II", which is the result of a two-year tour of Southeast Asia, will be released. This one brings warm breaths of sunny melodiousness that take you to the dream of island lounging under palm trees. Martijn Ravesloot, frontman and lyricist, took us into the colorful backstage of the creation of "island music".
Many people could agree with the statement that life is so varied and many times it feels like we are riding a death train that takes us through ups and downs. Sometimes it is understandable that some things in the world make us angry, so here is a series of fun and very real minimalist images in which each of us can find ourselves.
Sometimes it happens that we are walking somewhere abroad and suddenly it seems to us that we are either dreaming or that there are really beautiful people around us. Of course, everyone is beautiful in their own way, but this time we're talking about that beauty and neatness that makes us feel like we're in the middle of shooting a fashion commercial. We present to you the 10 sexiest neighborhoods in the world!
Every mobile phone needs to be protected. Society6 offers unique covers designed by artists from all over the world, and they are also delivered to Slovenia. Cases for iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 plus are available, among others. We have chosen something for every taste.

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