"Two chefs, two recipes, great price" is the slogan that succinctly accompanies Lidl's culinary project Tomaž vs. Mate. What is it all about? The Slovenian chef star Tomaž Kavčič, who impresses even the most demanding guests at Gostilna pri Lojzet at Dvorec Zemona, and the Croatian Mate Jankovič agreed to a very special gastronomic experience. Since September of this year, they have been entertaining us with unique culinary duels, which we can follow (on Lidl's website) in the form of advertisements, recipes and cooking tips.
The holidays are slowly but inexorably approaching, so we have prepared a bunch of beauty cosmetic products for you, which are also a great gift idea. If it was still pleasantly warm a few days ago, the fog in the last few days reminded us of winter, which we hope will soon be white.
Although in Slovenia we do not have the same "problems" as in the USA, where the age limit for watching a movie in the cinema is more than just a warning/recommendation, as children we all found ourselves in situations when our parents covered our eyes because of inappropriate scenes, ranging from excessive violence to sex, or they even banned us from viewing it. We've collected some of those from the 90s that you could only watch as an adult.
The Italians resisted the trend of urban SUVs for a long time and only promised us this as one of the versions of the Fiat 500. The trend shows that these types of vehicles are extremely popular with both the younger and the older population. The Fiat 500x brings fashion and Italian style to this diverse segment. With this, definitely something fresh.
If your iPhone serves as a tool, then you know that it does not say anything good in "Adam's costume". We don't mean to drive nails with it, but many people have a profession/hobby that doesn't offer them the most gentle conditions. Lunatik cases have always been the best insurance policy for the iPhone, and the Aquatic and Taktik 360 for the iPhone 6 (and 6 Plus) are no different. Don't worry, iPhones, Lunatik has your soft "back".
Renowned American manufacturer of sports vehicles - Hennessey undertook the conversion of the American sports icon - the Mustang, whose 5.0-liter V8 engine with 320 KW was turned up to an astronomical 542 kW, which means that under the hood, as many as 737 sparkling horses are humming. The HPE700, as the most powerful mustang of all time is called, in addition to the toxic exterior, brings many improvements to the driving mechanics.
The three Baltic states, which only broke free from the shackles of the Soviet Union a little more than twenty years ago, are facing a similar problem to the countries of the former Yugoslavia. There is always speculation as to where exactly they are located, in the Baltic or the Balkans, what the main cities are, what language they speak and what their currency is. In the desire to make the largest of the three main cities more recognizable, the Latvian capital Riga is especially proud this year to share the title of European Capital of Culture with the Swedish city of Umeå.
There are various rumors circulating around smartphone batteries. One says that you shouldn't use the phone while it's charging, another that you shouldn't leave it on 'infusion' overnight, and a third that you should drain it to the last drop before recharging. While there are many tried-and-true recipes for long battery life, there are also a few "cheats" besieging it like crazy.
Popular culture is full of clowns, an icon that inspires joy on one side and terror on the other, and there aren't many words that are as polarizing as "clown." Some people absolutely adore them, while for others they represent one of their greatest fears. Sometimes they are the main guests of children's birthday parties, sometimes they are the main actors in nightmares. When you see the photo gallery, you will know why this is so.

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