The Jezero Kaval Group Inn is located on the edge of the Ljubljana Marshes, just a few kilometers from the center of Ljubljana. Located on the edge of a lovely natural lake, in the embrace of Barje and surrounding green hills, which invite you to take a walk in pristine nature, it offers culinary pampering by renowned Kavalo chefs in a pleasant homely atmosphere.
An old story. When the alarm clock rings in the morning, we hit snooze and bury our heads under the pillow, wishing that no one would ever and ever separate us from bed again. Miraculously, every night around the time we should go to bed, we come alive and are not the least bit sleepy. If this is also the story of your life, read how to become a morning person.
Alcohol is one of the strongest elements with which we can learn about a person's personal characteristics. Make no mistake. Here we are talking about the stage before drunkenness, because at that point it doesn't matter what went into the stomach anyway, the masks have fallen, so there is no difference between whiskey and cheap wine. When we are drunk we are all "the same", regardless of what we drink. But the introduction to the peeling of the personality is already the choice of drink, and already in the glass or bottle your character is reflected.
As the quality of cameras in smartphones grows, so do the appetites of users. Not long ago, DSLR photography and mobile photography could not be thrown in the same bin, as they were light years or millions of pixels apart. However, it's not all that black and white these days, and with the advent of the Manual app, which allows for manual settings on the iPhone camera, the gap will be a little smaller and less noticeable.
In the fall, it often happens that our physical and mental health begins to suffer from stress and bad mood, brought with them by obligations at school and work, wet weather and shorter and colder days. But autumn stress can be easily banished: with food, including many local autumn delicacies that are available in every store and in nature in our immediate vicinity.
September 26 will be dedicated to a pan-European event as part of this year's Researchers' Night 2014. In our country, Researchers' Night will take place in four locations: in Ljubljana, Novi Mesto, Izola and Planica.
Maša Pavoković will open the doors to a new place for socializing in Ljubljana, Ziferblat. We talked with her a few years ago about her musical project at the time. Today he has a new challenge ahead of him. She will present to us the concept of space sharing, which comes from Russia and is set up a little differently. Ziferblat will put Ljubljana on the map of relaxed, innovative and, above all, pleasant socializing.
Ford is preparing a real small offensive of more environmentally friendly models. The first to hit the roads is the hybrid Mondeo, which we can expect on the roads in May, which means less than half a year behind the other versions. The second will be the plug and hybrid C-max, which is already sold on the other side of the Atlantic, and the same applies to the third in the queue, which is also already on sale in certain EU markets, and it is a fully electric Focus.
Money is the ruler of the world. We can pretend that the connection of souls at sunrise and the sounds of the harp in a green clearing in the middle of the forest, where we are all equal, is more important than money, but let's face it: in the 21st century, we can't live without money practically nothing. We present you 10 tips on how to save at least 100 euros per month.

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