Not all Muslims are terrorists, not all blacks are gangsters, and not all straight men are gay. Such is the message of Joel Parés, who showed in the Judging America photo series how great the power of stereotypes is and how quickly we judge people based on their appearance. With portraits of the same person in two different jobs, we wonder which photo is the right one.
We have probably all come across a piece of moldy cheese or dried bread in the kitchen. So that we no longer turn up our noses at such inconveniences, we can simply learn how to store food properly. Read all about how, where and for how long to store fruit, vegetables, bread, cheese, meat, eggs and herbs.
Dvorec Trebnik is a brand whose beginnings date back to the 16th century, when the first body care products began to be created in Slovenske Konjice as a result of rich tradition and knowledge. Their natural cosmetics (the first to be certified in Slovenia), home products and food delicacies are characterized by a quality that takes care of our health and well-being with a touch of Slovenian origin.
Humans have been consuming chocolate for thousands of years, but in the format that is most popular today, i.e. in the form of a bar, only since 1900. Due to social conditioning, thousands of myths have been woven around it, but they have as many stumps as chattering teeth. And since the kitchen and the studio studio are not so mutually exclusive - sometimes they are one and the same thing - in modern times, chocolate has become not only a work material but also an art material.
Microsoft presented the new Windows 10 operating system yesterday in San Francisco. Don't worry, you didn't wake up in the future, because this largest software manufacturer in the world skipped the 9 because it would smell too much like the "subway" 8 that didn't catch on . The tenth version therefore resorted to the proven seven and the popular Start menu.
This week, Maribor will be marked by contemporary dance and artistic performance. From October 1 to 5, as part of the Performa/Platforma 2014 festival, as many as fifteen events will take place in various locations, which will bring together top Slovenian and foreign artists in the Styrian capital.
Spending money has become so easy that financial discipline is as fragile as dietary discipline. During the economic crisis, the focus shifted from spending to saving, and if we don't have control over spending, our financial well (account) likes to dry up. Sometimes a dry spell can't be avoided and here are some tips on how to get through these tough times.
Classic novels, chick-flick stories, poetry collections, detective stories... We can always find something for ourselves on the library shelves, and although we are used to classic libraries in Slovenia, there are also different ones. Let's say the kind on the beach. Or in the park. Or traveling - on a donkey. We present to you the ten most unusual libraries in the world!
Matchless motorcycles were originally manufactured between 1899 and 1966, making Matchless one of the oldest and most renowned British motorcycle manufacturers. Now they have started the revival of the famous low rider motorcycle from the distant year 1929, giving it a modern look and design, and the price will certainly be increased accordingly. The premiere of the X model will take place at the Milan show in November.

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