If you are one of those people who are just five great book classics short of reading a hundred, here is a potential solution. And it's free! Whether it's just intellectual bragging or hard reading, Kindle offers you some free book classics.
At the beginning of the month, a very special online store came to life, where quality Slovenian products are collected in one place, among which we also find many of those that we meet on Kickstarter. The online store Slovenika.eu is run by a young five-member team that wants to unite Slovenian manufacturers in one place, thereby also promoting the number of jobs and the production of quality Slovenian products.
While we were in the dark about the form of the iPhone 6 until the very end, we already know a lot more about its "brains", the iOS 8 operating system, because the selected beta version has been tasting since June, when Apple presented the eight at developer conference WWDC (World Wide Developer's Conference) and allowed us to put our finger on the user experience of the highly anticipated smartphone.
Nothing is safe from smartphones these days, which is bad on the one hand, but good on the other if it helps improve something; as in our case. We are talking about the Automatic device, which connects the car and smartphone via Bluetooth and, among other things, instead of the mechanic, deciphers the cause of the appearance of the mysterious orange engine light.
The devil is in the details. This also applies to the top sport, because the hair needs to be split for perfection. Tennis is one of those sports that looks fairly simple on the outside, but when we're looking for quality, we shouldn't leave anything to chance. And it takes mileage and expert guidance to fully master the stroke. But not all of us have the luxury of being able to afford a coach, but we can afford Sony's Smart Tennis sensor, which will kill two birds with one stone.
The pursuit of efficiency is a technology fetish. If she was our partner ten years ago, today this symbiosis no longer exists, as we are becoming more and more her slaves. By losing this fight, we also lose touch with those parts of life that produce hormones whose output is not stress. Therefore, the presented applications will come in handy if you want to recover the feelings that have been swallowed up by the capitalist idea of omni-efficiency.

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