The mission of most industrial designers is to create a functional product, so the main part of the creation process is subordinated to its usability. But not everyone is obsessed with it and not everyone strives for the product to be as useful as a Swiss army knife. Among them is the architect and 3D modeler Katerina Kamprani, who created a series of products called "The Uncomfortable", which one by one failed the utility test.
Did you know that you can also make money with mobile applications? Once you've been released from the clutches of "Angry Birds" and once you've developed type 2 diabetes from "Candy Crush", you might start thinking about using apps as a source of income and not just for fun, so that you get a euro sign at the end of the result . Sometimes it will be enough to give an opinion, sometimes you will have to shed some sweat. Which is a small thing when you consider what some people are willing to do for money.
Creativity is not something that can be learned, and it is not something that can be plodded along like an assembly line. Creativity is something that needs to be carefully nurtured and is conditioned by the inspiration of the moment. Creativity cannot be forced, it has to come on its own. Creativity is the mother of efficiency, but it requires a 'scapegoat'. Which one depends on the individual, so let's see what a dozen graphic designers from different fields bring to the altar of creativity.
Motorcyclists are one of the most vulnerable road users but also one of the most daring. Among them, safety is as common a topic of conversation as the weather is for the English. With this in mind, the Skully AR-1 motorcycle helmet was created, which, unlike other helmets of this type, contains, in addition to safety, some key spices of the information age. Because safety is more than just great material. Security is also information, in info you get dry gold. And this helmet has plenty of them.
You know photobombs, right? What aren't the upper arms and forearms in selfies just that? With the difference that these photobombs are not added value, but spoil the photo. But if we want to be in the team, this is the only option, even if it is a rotten compromise. As is also the manual tripod, which only treats the symptom, while the "alien" disease remains in the photo. But no more, here comes the cure, CaseCam for iPhone 5 and 5S, a selfie savior.
A busy schedule has become a constant star, a fact, so there is no longer any point in resisting it. Sometimes you'd need four hands to handle it all. "If you can't beat 'em, join 'em," they say. I know most people still think they can do it all themselves, and they're not wrong, but why not spread the load a bit. Let apps do something else, say. Make your smartphone your personal assistant, not just a personal phone.
Smartphones are powerful devices and masters of countless skills, but while they benefit us in many areas, they also make us a target for thieves and other miscreants. And since they don't have martial arts knowledge in their repertoire, as most of its owners don't, we are easy prey. But no more! Namely, The Defender is coming, a pocket-sized device, the fear and trembling of all small-minded people.
Probably everyone who wants to stay in shape but sometimes doesn't have the opportunity to go to the gym, so here are the ideal mobile applications for smartphones, which as "pocket trainers" offer you exercise anywhere and anytime. Here are some great apps to help you stick to your exercise routine.
Golf as a sport may not reach the popularity of its mini version or the Golf car brand, but in recent years it has been diligently gathering followers even outside the elite, among people for whom hitting the ball 10 years ago was too much of a blow to the personal budget. Of course, it's not a cheap sport even today, and with accessories like the Zepp sensor that analyzes your shots, you can save money on the coach and keep costs down.

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