Women often have the problem of buying fashion pieces that don't suit their style and don't flatter their figure. Many people buy a fashion item as an effect or it is a current trend. In any case, it is not important how many pieces of clothing are hidden in your closet, but how skillfully you know how to combine them and brighten up your look with indispensable fashion accessories.
Many Slovenian moms initially started sharing their experiences on a blog, with which they wanted to ease many hardships and problems for others, share advice and build a network of like-minded moms. Over time, their activities also moved to Instagram, and we present to you seven moms and two dads who are worth following for useful advice, encouraging thoughts, as well as support for parenting in general.
Many of us have already experienced how volunteer work, either at home or abroad, can enrich our lives. Be it teaching children, helping people in need or volunteering for the preservation of animal species - these are all actions by which we contribute our part in the mosaic of a more beautiful world.
Every car enthusiast has ever thought about being at least a little clairvoyant and managing to buy a car that will become the next classic and its price will rise noticeably. But some people buy a car just for their pleasure, and in this case it is better to buy it cheap. And which are the cars that have the potential to become the next ʺclassicsʺ?

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From 2004 we research urban trends and inform our community of followers daily about the latest in lifestyle, travel, style and products that inspire with passion. From 2023, we offer content in major global languages.