Metabolism is the process the body uses to break down food and nutrients to obtain energy and support various bodily functions. Metabolism is affected by what we eat, including vitamins and minerals. A fast metabolism is one that burns calories faster, and people who can boast of it have less chance of gaining excess weight. Metabolism slows down with age, but we can speed it up with diet.
The Canary Islands lie not far from the African continent, which gives them an excellent climate throughout the year. That is why they attract hordes of tourists who want to enjoy the sun and sandy beaches. Gran Canaria is the third largest island of the Canary Islands, boasting diverse vegetation, a hilly interior and a desert in the south that stretches all the way to the sea.
It happens to all of us that we don't get enough sleep, whether it's because of work, entertainment or because we couldn't fall asleep. The result is dark circles, which some people are more prone to, others less so, and nobody likes it when their face shows how tired they are. That's why we've prepared a simple way to get rid of dark circles - make a banana peel face mask and get rid of dark circles.

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