They say you can never have too many sweets, but sometimes holiday goodies are left in the pantry after the festivities are over. In order not to overeat or throw food away, it is therefore always good to think of recipes for dishes that remain delicious for a long time. Prepared a recipe for delicious gingerbread, which can be eaten even a month after preparation.
Oh, those social networks. For some, they represent a necessary evil that they need for work or school, while for others, they are a way to express their opinion, creativity or even meet new friends. No matter how you look at them, it is certain that you have come across a wide variety of people through them. We have prepared for you the 5 most common types of people you will encounter on social networks.
Do you already know where and with whom you will spend New Year's Eve? If you haven't planned anything yet, now is a good time to think about it. If you are going abroad, prepare well and organize your tours and accommodation in advance. If you are staying at home, now is also the time to think about where and with whom you will spend the longest night of the year.

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