
Physical activity is not the key to weight loss!

Physical activity is not the answer to extra pounds

Losing weight is a desire of many people. But there is a big wall between the desire and what must be done to achieve it, which is called physical activity. Or is it? Many people believe that exercise is the key to losing extra pounds, but there is only a grain of truth in this, because the activity burns far fewer calories than some people think. Which is actually good news, because many people don't like the idea of slipping into sneakers to shed pounds. There is a much easier way.

Sports and physical activity are more and more rare on people's lists, and the number of those who opt for them is increasing in direct proportion to this fact weight loss diet. A exercise and extra pounds are not necessarily as closely related as it might seem at first glance. Namely, physical activity is not the key to weight loss. You read that right, because exercise burns much fewer calories than many people think. 30 minutes of easy running burns 350, but many people, fit and overweight, can't keep up "pace" of the training regimen. For visible results, you need to train four to five times a week at a heart rate of somewhere between 60 and 70 percent.

READ MORE: 10 benefits of regular physical activity that have nothing to do with weight loss

A healthier diet combined with exercise is a winning combination.
A healthier diet combined with exercise is a winning combination.

The good news is that physical activity is not a key part of weight loss, although many diet regimes place a heavy emphasis on it, and it is also portrayed as such in the media. A much easier and also effective way is yes eliminate unhealthy foods from your menu. For example, to give up Coca-Cola or similar sweet drinks every day. But if you combine this with exercise, you have hit the main "slimming" profit. So it doesn't matter how much you exercise, but what you don't eat. More about this in the video.

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