
Merchandise: post-punk band coming soon to Ljubljana

In Channel Zero on November 8, 2014, we will be able to dance dreamily to the unique new-wave sound of Merchandise.

Important information
Channel Zero, Metelkova Street, Ljubljana
Facebook event
Entrance fee
€12 in advance

Post-punk band Merchandise consists of three ex-hardcore enthusiasts from Tampa, USA. In 2008, the guys felt that hardcore wasn't it anymore and devoted themselves to creating slightly different rhythms. They achieved greater recognition in 2012 with their second album Children Of Desire, which attracted a wider audience with singing melodies.

Merchandise it is difficult to categorize them musically, some connoisseurs classify them as post-punk artists, others label them new wave, and still others classify them as creatively noisy shoegazers. Their unique sound, which sometimes still reminds of The Smiths, The Cure, Simple Minds and Squeeze, follows from record to record and is as distinctive as it is, even on the latest After The End. Merchandise is definitely a band that we will be happy to welcome to Ljubljana soon.

Merchandise in Channel Zero
Merchandise in Channel Zero

Info Box

– Info Škuc (Stari trg 21, LJ), open every working day between 12:00 and 18:00.
– Škuc Metelkova (Metelkova 6, LJ) open from Mon. until five. from 09:00 to 14:00.



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