
Recipe: 3 amazing tasting sandwiches that you have never made before

Light sandwiches with a rich taste that you have probably never eaten before.

Be honest - even you have a hard time resisting a sandwich, no matter how unhealthy it is. And that's probably right, because the 'unhealthy' label doesn't mean you have to give it up, but with a little imagination you can update it to make a lighter, richer-tasting version.

Everyone does we eat, but few know what it's like arose. Before many years, as a legend he says it should 4 Earl of Sandwich John Montagu ranting that he didn't have time to ate, that's why it is servants ordered them to prepare for him 'dish between two slices of bread'. And so it was created a sandwich. THE END (end).

Who is guilty so that we eat today sandwiches, when we don't know what to do snacked on, we are fast cleared up. Do you think we'll get to that soon of the answer, or is it a sandwich healthy a meal? Because we all know it is a synonym for him UNHEALTHY. It's true?

Researchers from the American University of Illinois they are researched, or is it sandwich really unhealthy choice. More than 25.000 people participated in nine years of research, in which they analyzed what it means if eat at least one sandwich every day.

They came to the conclusion by comparing caloric intake of individuals after different days: on the first day, the participants ate a sandwich, the next day they can be choose a dish according to your own taste. After analyzing the data, they compared the differences in caloric intake of individuals, when they are ate a sandwich and when they are not.

It is John Montagu's fault that we know the sandwich today!
It is John Montagu's fault that we know the sandwich today!

They found that they were participants on the day they ate the sandwich, v average consumed extra 100 calories with some other food. They should be consumed on the same day less fruits and vegetables, more they encroached on sugary drinks, fat and sugar. And why does this happen?

Experts believe that people on they realize, how many calories it is in theirs sandwiches. V Subway research for example, they found that customers thought that theirs a sandwich contains 500 calories less, as they actually do.

Experts caution that these numbers may not be the case high, but if you were to eat a sandwich every day, according to their calculations, it would meant, that you consumed extra during the year 36,400 calories, which means 10.4 kilograms of fat.

How to make a light sandwich?
How to make a light sandwich?

The above information may be alarming, but that doesn't mean you have to oto tell withto the endives. There are many ways, how to prepare light sandwich, which contains several ingredients that should not be considered as harmless.


When you choose bread, it should be good, yes check nutrition labels. It's supposed to be important amount of sodium - it should be acceptable if the bread contains 5 % or less. V shops you can also find alternatives such as waffles (rice, corn).


If you work a sandwich, you usually choose processed cheese that is said to contain a lot fats. It is said to be more advisable if you choose light ones cheeses, as feta. If you really have a hard time resisting your favorite cheese, then it is recommended to cut it into a very thin slice.

Be careful when choosing bread and toppings.
Be careful when choosing bread and toppings.


It should be recommended that you choose meat, which at home prepare. You can put it in a sandwich fresh chicken or beef, because in this way they should avoid all substances that added to meat. You can also select replacements for meat, such as potatoes, hummus, broccoli, mushrooms.


Accessories such as vegetables, fruit and at home made to us seems to be much better than mayonnaise, ketchup and others sauces, which you buy in trade.

Recipes for sandwiches.
Recipes for sandwiches.

When you think of a sandwich, you probably remember the basic one schools, salami and terrible smell, which spread throughout the classroom. Forget the traumas, because you will get out of them recipes prepared sandwiches, which you must not have eaten yet.

Gourmet sandwich

Gourmet sandwich
Gourmet sandwich


  • 4 tablespoons of butter
  • 3 packs of mini mozzarella
  • parsley powder
  • homemade buffalo sauce
  • 4 large tortillas
  • blue cheese (amount as desired)


Boil the chicken and then fry it. Add buffalo sauce and butter to it. He heats the tortillas in the oven. Place ¼ chicken, two mini mozzarellas, parsley and blue cheese in each tortilla. Roll up the tortilla and cut it as desired.

They are supposed to be consumed 745 calories.

A sandwich for vegetarians

A sandwich for a vegetarian
A sandwich for a vegetarian


  • avocado
  • a slice of bread
  • a spoonful of lemon
  • ⅓ spoon of salt
  • ⅓ tablespoon of pepper
  • leaves of fresh basil and chives
  • 3 mini mozzarellas


Place the mozzarella and avocado slices on the bread (it can also be plain). Sprinkle with pepper and salt. Pour over the lemon and add chives and basil leaves.

This sandwich is meant to be consumed 439 calories.

Fit sandwich

Fit sandwich
Fit sandwich


  • 2 slices of bread
  • 2 tablespoons of cranberry spread
  • sliced turkey breast or chicken
  • fresh spinach leaves
  • thinly sliced blue cheese


Spread the cranberry spread on the slices of bread. Layer chicken or turkey breast, spinach and blue cheese. Place a slice of bread on the already made sandwich and repeat the process.

They are supposed to be consumed 600 calories.

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