
Recipe: Cold Italian Coffee Cream

Photo: envato

Forget about the regular coffee you drink every day. We present to you a real Italian coffee indulgence that will take you into the world of flavors and win you over with its creamy texture. Have you heard of the Italian Coffee Cream - Crema al Caffè? It is a delicious Italian coffee cream that melts in your mouth and conjures up a real gourmet pleasure.

Coffee Cream – Crema al Caffè is an Italian term used to describe a light, frothy coffee creamer. It is a cold coffee that is popular in Italy and is often enjoyed at the end of a meal or as a refreshment on summer days. It is usually served in small cups or glasses. Many consider coffee cream to be a summer alternative to regular espresso.

Coffee Cream differs from Coffee Gelato because, although it should be enjoyed very cold, it does not have the low temperature of Italian Gelato. The processing method is also different. Thanks to this very quick recipe with just three ingredients - whipping cream, espresso and powdered sugar - you can make an icy sweet Italian coffee cream at home. The kind you find in an Italian cafe.

Cold Italian coffee creamer

  • Difficulty: easy
  • Rating: ★★★★★
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  • 250 ml of whipping cream
  • 60 ml of strong espresso
  • 2 tablespoons of powdered sugar


  1. Mix cream and powdered sugar in a bowl. Mix with a whisk until you get a smooth texture.
  2. Prepare a strong espresso or dissolve instant coffee in water. Allow to cool to room temperature.
  3. Gradually add the chilled espresso to the whipped cream. While mixing, make sure that the ingredients are well combined and you get a homogeneous mixture.
  4. When you're done mixing, pour the coffee creamer into small cups or glasses. If desired, you can decorate them with pieces of chocolate or a pinch of cocoa powder.
  5. Place the coffee cream in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours or until it is well chilled and set.
  6. Once ready, serve and enjoy this refreshing Italian coffee.
This recipe allows you to prepare a delicious Crema al Caffè at home. You can adjust it according to your taste by adjusting the amount of sugar or the strength of the espresso. Enjoy this light and foamy coffee creamer!

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