
Research confirms: People who include this habit in their daily life earn more money in life

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A new study has shown that people who exercise regularly in life earn more money. Check.

Health is real wealth, and according to the latest research, it is not only related to health. Moreover, also with the fact that physically active individuals earn more in life.

Regular physical activity is also associated with a lower mortality rate and a reduced risk of developing heart disease, type 2 diabetes and some other age-related conditions. According to a study published in the journal Clinical Orthopedics and Related Research, judging by, as well as in earnings. Research by the National Institute of Arthritis, Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases (NIAMS) has shown that individuals who are physically active earn more money in life.

Photo: Unsplash/Andrew Heald

The researchers' findings showed that active lifestyle it not only leads to higher earnings in the present moment. It is also an indicator of higher income throughout life. So moving more could make you richer.

The researchers focused on three key questions: how physical activity affected income, what was the effect over a longer period of time, and whether exercise helped maintain vitality well into old age. The team analyzed data from the federally supported Health and Retirement Study (HRS), the largest study tracking changes over time in Americans age 50 and older.

Photo: Unsplash/Josh Duke

To assess the impact of current physical fitness on income, researchers examined data from more than 19,000 respondents. They wanted to find out how well they could perform simple tasks. Walking, climbing stairs or moving around the room. The researchers found that for each lower physical activity score, individuals lost an average of $3,000 in annual income.

The more agile ones make more money—a $6,500 difference

Compared to those who performed better physically. It turned out that engaging in exercise enabled individuals to remain physically fit (or mobile) for a longer period of time. They also integrated better into professional life than those who were less active. The total income level was $6,500 higher for more active individuals than for less active individuals.

While the study doesn't prove that a healthy lifestyle directly leads to higher earnings, it gives a pretty clear message. Staying mobile brings other benefits besides health.

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