
Strawberries with vanilla cream

Every month we will prepare six new and interesting recipes, so follow us diligently and participate in the Jamnica prize game.

Ingridients: 500 g of strawberries, 4 eggs, 4 tablespoons of sugar, 2 dl of milk, 5 dl of sweet cream, 2 tablespoons of flour, vanilla pod

Preparation: Heat the milk and soak the vanilla pod in it, which can be halved beforehand so that the milk is infused with the aroma. Let it cool down. Mix the eggs and sugar until foamy and gradually add the sweet cream. Mix until a compact mass. Add the cooled milk in which the vanilla pod has been soaked. While mixing, slowly add more flour to get a thick cream. Let's leave it in the fridge for a while. We clean the strawberries and cut off the bottom part to get "caps". Put the cream in a polyvinyl bag, cut it thinly at one corner and press it onto the thicker part of the strawberries. Place the "caps" on them. If desired, we can also make buttons as in the picture.

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