
Sushi cupcakes - a new trend in eating sushi

Dry cupcakes

Attention all sushi lovers. From Japan comes a new trend of eating rice rolls (the "pioneer" of fast food), which you will now prefer to serve as an appetizer. Just when you thought that sushi couldn't be served in a more attractive way, sushi cupcakes or "Temarizushi cupcakes" announced their march. These are sushi balls, but instead of the paper molds used for cupcakes, they are served in edible nori seaweed molds.

If you thought they were sushirritos (sushi in the style of burritos, traditional Mexican food) the pinnacle of sushi innovation, from Japan is now coming a new trend in eating sushi, these traditional Japanese foods. The new cry of Japanese cuisine is true sushi cupcakes or sushi cupcakes, which are otherwise synonymous with small round cakes with cream topping or sprinkles, but here it is lumps of rice (use a small ice cream scoop for filling) lined with thin slices of fish (can also vegetables) and a pinch of Japanese horseradish wasabi (see video)

READ MORE: 19 Ways Your Sushi Obsession Turned Absurd

If until now you thought there was no such thing as sushi the perfect snack, sushi cupcakes will certainly change your opinion, as they are not only healthy, aesthetically pleasing and easy to prepare, but also just the right big bite. Guests will be impressed.

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