
These apps are to blame for draining your phone's battery too quickly

Photo. Andrea Piquadrio / Pexels

Nowadays, we practically cannot imagine a day in which we do not use or at least open one of the countless applications on our mobile phone. A recent study showed that as many as 93 % mobile users use a whole range of applications every day, some of them even at the same time.

More advanced graphics, improved functionality and progress in the field coding have led us to utilize all the components of mobile phones to theirs maximum. However, not all applications are created equal and it happens so quickly difference in the operation of only these. While let's say Twitter it does not need many resources for its operation, they will mobile games fully loaded graphic capabilities and literally exhausted mobile phone battery.

But almost all applications also have their own black away. A huge number of applications that we think are completely harmless, they actually are the main one the culprits for too fast draining your cell phone battery. It's not that obvious at first glance, but it's only that much more noticeable in the applications it works on several mobile phone components at the same time.

Company pCloud, which deals with ″clouds″, took a closer look 100 most popular apps, in order to get hold of the data of which of them are the most battery-intensive ″greedy″. When checking, they paid attention to three things: which functions the mobile phone is used by the application, how much energy consumed by the application in normal use and whether the application has a so-called available ″dark mode″ operation.

Photo: Tracy le Blanc / Pexels

The study was done on American market of mobile applications, but it is no less credible for that, and in some cases it even is surprising. The pCloud research found that the biggest consumers of battery are applications such as Fitbit and Verizon. The following are extremely popular social networking applications, which use location tracking and camera usage to have a noticeable impact on cell phone batteries.

We have prepared an overview for you 10 applications, which have the most impact on your mobile phone's battery:

1. Facebook (82%)
2. Instagram (79%)
3. Bumble (77%)
4. Snapchat (77%)
5. Tinder (77%)
6. Grindr (72%)
7. Lick (72 %)
8. Twitter (69%)
9. House party (62%)
10. TikTok (62%)

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