
These are the rules of an open relationship

Expert advice for building a strong and happy partnership outside of monogamy

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Photo: envato elements

Open relationships are becoming more popular as couples explore alternative ways to express their love and commitment. But navigating the details of an open relationship can be tricky, especially if you're used to the traditional model of monogamy. Here are some expert tips for building a successful and fulfilling open relationship.

First, let's define what we mean by “open relationships". Simply put, it is a relationship in which both partners agree to have romantic and/or sexual relationships with other people. This can take many forms, from casual hookups to long-term relationships, and requires a high level of communication, trust and mutual respect. These are the rules of an open relationship!

So what are the rules for open relationships? Here are some guidelines to help you navigate this uncharted territory:

Communication is key.

Communication is essential in any relationship. But in an open relationship it is even more important. You and your partner must be able to talk honestly and openly about your feelings, desires and boundaries. This means you can express your needs and concerns without judgment or criticism.

Set clear boundaries.

Before you embark on an open relationship, it is crucial to set clear boundaries and guidelines. This can include things like how often you see other people, what types of activities are allowed, and what level of emotional involvement is acceptable. It is important to review these limits regularly and adjust them as necessary.

Practice safe sex.

In an open relationship, there is a higher risk of sexually transmitted infections (STIs). It is important to use protection consistently and get tested regularly. You and your partner should agree on what types of protection you will use and how you will handle STD testing and treatment.

Don't neglect your primary relationship.

While it's natural to be excited and curious about new romantic or sexual partners, it's important not to neglect your primary relationship. Make sure you continue to nurture your connection with your partner, whether through regular dates, physical affection, and emotional support.

Be honest with yourself and your partner.

Finally, it's crucial to be honest with yourself and your partner about what you want and need from your relationship. If you're feeling jealous or insecure, it's important to express those feelings and work them out together. Likewise, if you find that an open relationship isn't right for you, it's important to be honest about it and explore other options.

Open relationships can be a fulfilling and rewarding way to express love and commitment, but they require a high level of trust, communication and mutual respect. By following these rules of engagement, you can build a strong and happy partnership outside of monogamy.

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