
These foods should not be heated in a microwave oven

Photo: envato

Do you often use the stand-alone oven for cooking, baking, reheating? Do you know which foods you should pay attention to in order to prepare them correctly, or which foods should not be heated in the microwave at all?

In many households, the microwave oven is an important part of household appliances. Although it is intended for heating food and cooking quickly, there are certain foods that should never be heated in it.

A chicken

Chicken is a major culprit in spreading salmonella, especially if it is not cooked properly! When you cook a piece of raw chicken in the microwave, the chances of it cooking evenly and thoroughly are very slim, leaving you with a potential risk of bacterial contamination.

The same can be said for other cuts of raw meat. It is best to cook the meat thoroughly over direct heat, in a pan, on the grill or in the oven.

Tomatoes and tomato sauce

Like hard-boiled eggs, tomatoes can make a big mess if they spend too much time in the microwave.

It is better to prepare the tomato sauce on the stove. Photo: Cottonbro Studio / Pexels

Due to the liquid content of the fresh tomato and pasta sauce, the increased pressure causes bubbles to form, leaving the microwave covered with red stains.

Boiled eggs

When you heat boiled eggs in the microwave, steam builds up from the water molecules, causing the pressure to rise. Because eggs have a thin membrane and shell, they are not able to withstand all this pressure, which can cause the egg to explode in the microwave or at the first bite.

Processed meat

For starters, processed meat is not the healthiest food, as it contains large amounts of salt, additives, chemicals and preservatives. Adding microwave radiation can increase cholesterol levels, which can lead to heart problems. The safest way to reheat is on the grill or on the stove.

Be careful using carrots. Photo: Mali Maeder / Pexels


Although carrots can be cooked and reheated in the microwave, raw carrots can be potentially dangerous. If it is not washed well and has dirt left on it, minerals from the soil can cause sparks in the microwave. If this happens frequently, it can seriously damage your microwave.


Chili peppers, especially very hot ones, contain high levels of capsaicin, which can be highly flammable. When capsaicin is exposed to electromagnetic waves in a microwave oven, it starts to vaporize and can catch fire! Fire and smoke from a microwave oven can cause skin irritation and burns.

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