
You can't make anyone love you!

"Love is like a shadow, if you run after it, it eludes you, if you run from it, it runs after you." – Georgian wisdom

You can love them and love them endlessly, you would do anything for them, but still you can't force them to love you back.

This is the hardest part of love. You can choose who to love, but you cannot choose who will love you, who will love you back. There are no magic words that will heal your broken heart. There is no magic wand that will make love and pain disappear instantly.

You can't tell someone to love you. It doesn't work. Love is not a key. Doesn't work on command. You are not responsible for the feelings and emotions of others. Only for your own. You can love, but it is not guaranteed that this person will return your feelings. You can't tell her she has to love you, to feel what you feel.

Sometimes you go head-first through a wall and you don't want to admit it, it makes you feel like your painful and confusing emotions want to destroy you. Stop it! You have to accept the fact that you only have influence over yourself, over your emotions.

You can love, but it is not guaranteed that this person will return your feelings.
You can love, but it is not guaranteed that this person will return your feelings.

What are you waiting for? Will you wait for someone who isn't sure how they feel about you? Do you really want to wait until maybe one day they will really fall in love with you? Do you want to spend all your time hoping to convince them to love you? Is your love so blind that you have forgotten to love yourself?

Stop it. Stop wishing. Stop hoping. Stop dreaming. Stop sitting and waiting. You are better than that. You are too good for them. You don't deserve half love. You don't deserve uncertainty.

Remember, when someone loves you, you will know it, you will feel it. It won't be love by halves. This will not be a love that comes and goes. You won't have to prove anything. When someone loves you, you won't have to change, you can be who you are.

When they love you, you will feel and feel. Don't wait for someone to fall in love with you one day. If they're interested, they'll show you now, otherwise they're not worth your time.

"Life has taught us that love is not looking at each other, but looking in the same direction." – Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

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