
4 key tips for better quality sleep that will help you live longer

Photo: envato elements

Quality sleep is worth its weight in gold. Apparently, it can also save your life. One recent study found that nearly 10% of premature deaths could be attributed to lack of sleep. Four key tips for better quality sleep!

Why is quality sleep so important? Because it improves the health of our brain, digestion and reduces stress levels, which in turn increases productivity during the day.

According to the latest research presented at American College of Cardiology but can also help k longer life. The researchers found that 8 % deaths (of various causes) were also partially attributable to sleep problems. And what can you do yourself for quality sleep?

#1 Get up and go to bed at about the same time

As the day draws to a close, your "internal clock" warns your body to start winding down. This increases the level of melatonin in the body, which is important in regulating the circadian rhythms of many biological functions. Changes in this natural cycle can cause circadian rhythm disturbances, making it more difficult to fall asleep and stay asleep through the night, which in turn can affect quality of life.

Photo: Unsplash/Anthony Tran

#2 Changing the light bulbs in the bedroom

The light bulbs in your room can play an important role in maintaining your sleep rhythm. Warmer tones tend to send signals to the brain to calm down, compared to harsh, cooler tones. Warm light encourages the brain to calm down and prepare for sleep, making it easier to fall asleep. You can also find lamps on the market that imitate natural light with lighting and dimming.

#3 Meditation

Meditation is a relaxation technique that has a miraculous effect on sleep. It helps individuals fall asleep faster and allows them to sleep deeper at the same time. Meditation encourages you to relax and reduces stress and anxiety levels. Poor sleep is often associated with racing thoughts and increased levels of stress hormones that disrupt sleep and make it more superficial. Meditation helps calm the mind and promote a sense of calm, which can lead to improved sleep quality.

Photo: Unsplash/Rehina Sultanova

#4 Writing a diary before going to bed

Although it can be quite tempting to lie in bed and browse the phone, the blue light of the screen has a negative effect on the circadian rhythm. Instead, it's more beneficial to read a good book or journal before bed. The latter is very welcome also because it allows you to write down your thoughts and anxious feelings, which contributes to the quality of your sleep.

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