According to experts, healthy and loving relationships are based on intimate connection between partners. However, we sometimes forget that there are many types of intimacy and that closeness is not necessarily physical but can also be emotional, mental and spiritual. That is why we have prepared for you 4 types of intimacy that are present in every happy relationship.
1. Physical intimacy
Bodily intimacy it allows us to feel in a relationship desired and loved ones. It helps us to partner we really feel it and to be with him we connect through that true love.
That's why it's important to partner let's say, of what kind touches we prefer and we also ask him in what ways he feels the most beloved. We must also maintain contact outside the bedroom: we will do a lot with loving hugs, long kisses and caressing during the day. We must also not forget that this love goes hand in hand with communication: it is important to know when you are the partner of our touches wants and sometimes he might feel better if we show him love a different way.
2. Emotional intimacy
Emotional intimacy is very important in a relationship, because only in this way can you truly love your partner we will open and we dare to be vulnerable. We will strongly strengthen the union by trusting each other with ours a dream and ambitions, and also fears and pain, which we are used to keeping to ourselves in other relationships. We will be partners for real met and his reactions and behavior understood, but we will also show him that Mr we accept exactly as it is.
Emotional intimacy is usually in a relationship develops slowly and gradually, so you need to understand that maybe your partner needs some time, to confide in you my deep feelings. It is important to let him know that you are ready for him stand by, Mrs listen carefully and to comfort.
3. Mental intimacy
We shouldn't be in a healthy relationship fear, that our partner would judge us if we trust him with our things opinion. We are willing to share with each other views of the world, ideas and ways how we perceive events that we experience together or hear about through the news and society. Each other we listen and we admire, but we are also ready to accept his views, which are somewhat different from ours they differ. Instead of getting out of them made fun of, we take them as an opportunity for even more interesting debate.
4. Spiritual intimacy
In recent years, even in the popular media, there has been more and more talk about how important it is spirituality and feelings of being part of something much bigger than ourselves. Many couples find that it is spiritual intimacy that enables them to they really connect and they feel each other.
On a spiritual level, you and your partner can connect through meditation, prayers, positive affirmations and listing all the things they stand for in life grateful. You also experience these feelings when you go on a trip together a trip to nature or the two of you take on an activity such as yoga.