
8+ bad evening habits that make most people sleep worse

Do you sleep badly? Then you are in the good 1/3 of the world's population that has the same problem. But the solution can be extremely simple if you check whether you are doing these inadvisable things before going to sleep that will cut your sleep.

Many people according to statistics, she is said to have trouble sleeping, but they cannot find the cause. Perhaps the answer lies in one of these 8+ things that affect the quality of your sleep. Better avoid them.

Everything you should not do this before going to bed, if you want to improve the quality of your night's rest.


Nicotine it has a stimulating effect on our body - it speeds up the smoker's heart rate and increases the activity of certain brain centers. All this has a negative effect on peaceful and quality sleep. It is best to stop smoking. If you can't do it or you're not interested in it, avoid smoking cigarettes at least two hours before going to bed.

Physical activity

Physical activity it has a good effect on our sleep, but you have to do it at the right time. Heavy physical exertion right before going to bed can shorten your sleep. Avoid exercising for about 2-3 hours before going to bed.

Avoid exercising a few hours before bed
Avoid exercising a few hours before bed

Drinking water

Drinking water before bed does not directly affect the quality of sleep, but a full bladder can wake us up in the middle of the night and disturb our rest. Avoid excessive fluid intake before bed.

A nap

A nap can have a positive effect on a night's rest, but only if you take it in the right amounts and at the right time. According to research, it's best to take a nap between 1:00 PM and 4:00 PM and keep it to no more than 20 minutes.


Participation in creative processes can negatively affect our sleep. Since true creativity is a rather intensive process that increases brain activity and can impair our sense of time, tackle big projects and ideas when you can risk being slightly sleep-deprived.

Use of electronic devices

It is highly recommended that you do not watch for at least 30 minutes before going to bed into the screens of electronic devices. With their light, screens affect poorer sleep, and what is happening on the phone can sometimes upset us and thus in its own way disrupt our night's rest.

Do not use electronic devices before going to bed
Do not use electronic devices before going to bed


Nervousness and feelings of anxiety largely affect the deterioration of sleep. Here and there we are powerless against it, but there are many techniques that are very effective in reducing anxiety. Some of these are, for example, meditation, yoga or mindfulness.

Hot shower

Many believe that a warm bath helps them sleep better. However, some research has shown a correlation between poor sleep and elevated body temperature. Hot shower it should not be longer than 10 minutes before bedtime.

Sleeping with pets

Although playing cards with the dog in the evening is very welcome and has a beneficial effect on our nerves, it is sleeping with domestic animals not recommended. Pets change their position several times during sleep and can thus wake us up.

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Sleeping with pets can disrupt your sleep
Sleeping with pets can disrupt your sleep

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