
A phenomenal trick for making fried food so that it doesn't absorb a lot of oil

Photo: envato

Did you know that a glass of brandy can change the way you prepare fried food? How is it possible to add this ingredient and at the same time reduce the use of oil and achieve the perfect consistency?

Fried food is one of those dishes that often seduces us with its own crispy and tasty appearance and intoxicating smell.

However, despite its irresistible appeal, many of us find ourselves in a quandary at the thought of excessive fat in dough! How to enjoy crispy dough without bothering with too much oil? This task has been tackled by a long line of cooking enthusiasts who have developed over time various tricks and methods to achieve a perfect fried dough without the unpleasant feeling of greasiness.

Unhealthy oil soaking. Photo: Pixabay

Fried food - use of baking soda or baking powder in the preparation of the dough

This simple yet effective ingredient has the power to reduce the absorption of fat during frying, leaving the batter crispy but less greasy.

Preparing the dough with baking soda or baking powder is not only easy, but also reliable. With this trick, the dough not only bakes faster, but also absorbs less oil, which means that the finished product will be less greasy and crispier.

Photo: envato

Fried food - adding alcohol to the batter

This old trick, already used by our grandmothers, allows the dough to absorb less fat and retain its crispiness. Brandy or rum can be added, which not only reduce the absorption of oil, but also add a subtle aroma to the dough.

When using alcohol, it is important that add in moderate amounts, as too much can affect the texture and taste of the dough. Brandy or rum is added while mixing the ingredients for the dough and then continues with the preparation process as usual. The result will be a dough that will be as crispy as usual, but with a lower fat content, which is sure to please your taste buds.

Photo: envato

In addition, it should be noted that in the preparation of fried dough is also crucial choosing the right oil. It is recommended to use an oil with a high smoke point, such as peanut oil or sunflower oil, as it will not start to break down at high temperatures, which could spoil the taste and texture of the dough.

It is also important to properly remove and change the oil after each use, to prevent excessive accumulation of impurities that can negatively affect the quality and taste of the fried dough.

Regular cleaning of the oil and frying pan is key to maintaining the freshness and flavor of your dishes.

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