
Anti-stress indoor plants: they improve your mood and bring positive energy into your home

Photo: Cottonbro Studio / Pexels

Indoor plants not only beautify our homes, but also have surprising benefits for our well-being. Did you know that certain plants can reduce stress and improve mood?

Room plants they not only complement our spaces aesthetically, but also have tremendous benefits for our mental health.

The variety of plants offers possibilities of adaptation according to personal preferences, with which we can create an environment that supports our well-being and reduces stress in everyday life.

Scientists believe that thinking about plants with large leaves can calm and improves mood. Indoor plants can add life to anyone space and some of them have especially positive effects on the body, they lift the mood and improve the mental state.

1. Sanseveria – “The mother-in-law's language”

The plant, popularly called "mother-in-law's tongue", does not require much light and at the same time cleans the air indoors. A Harvard University study confirms that it is Sansevieria one of the most productive indoor plants in oxygen production. In addition to helping to breathe easier, it cleans the air, which contributes to better sleep and reduces the amount of stress in our lives.

Photo: envato

2. Spathiphyllum – "Female Happiness"

Spathiphyllum, known as "female happiness", is a plant with large leaves that is said to soothe and improve mood. Although science cannot fully prove its ability to improve energy in the house, it is known to successfully remove toluene and xylene from the air, which are known stressors.

Photo: envato

3. Lavender

For those who struggle with constant restlessness and stress, smelling lavender can be therapeutic. Research by the Iranian Neuroscience Center shows that the pleasant scent of lavender stabilizes mood and has many other positive properties, such as anticonvulsant, analgesic and neuroprotective effects.

Photo: envato

4. Chrysanthemum

A 2019 study from Nagasaki University claims that smelling chrysanthemum flowers improves mood, which they attribute to special aromatic compounds also present in eucalyptus leaves. In addition, chrysanthemum is known to improve short-term memory, which further contributes to stress reduction.

Photo: envato

5. Jasmine

The intense aroma of jasmine is not only pleasant, but also has therapeutic properties. An article in Solara Mental Health states that inhaling the aroma of jasmine flowers relieves aggression, invigorates, can lower blood pressure and relieve fatigue. Growing jasmine on the windowsill is recommended to prevent panic attacks, depression and insomnia.

Photo: envato

6. Peppermint

A study published in The International Journal of Neuroscience claims that inhaling and consuming mint leaves leads to a significant improvement in memory. Therefore, if you often experience forgetfulness, fatigue and reduced alertness, it may be time to introduce this beneficial plant into your home.

Photo: envato

7. Aloe

A study conducted by the Tehran School of Traditional Medicine concluded that aloe vera extract promotes deep sleep, which can significantly reduce stress and anxiety levels in our daily lives.

Photo: envato

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