Many studies try to find out how music affects the human mind. For example, why different people like different types of music and what activates our body when we listen to it.
Humans are born with the ability to distinguish between music and noise. Our brains actually have different pathways for processing different parts of music, including pitch, melody, rhythm, and tempo. Fast music can actually increase your heart rate, breathing and blood pressure, while slower music tends to have the opposite effect.
Although the effects of music on humans are not fully understood, studies have shown, that when you hear music to your liking, the brain relaxes dopamine, which has a positive effect on mood. Music can make us feel strong emotions such as joy, sadness or fear. According to some researchers, music may even have the power to improve our health and well-being.
Photo: Andrea Piacquadio/Pexels
Studies show that listening to music can have the following positive effects on health.
- Improves mood because listening to music benefits the general well-being, helps regulate emotions, creates happiness and relaxation in everyday life.
- Reduces anxiety.
- Improves aerobic exercise, increases mental and physical stimulation and increases performance
- The repetitive elements of rhythm and melody help our brains form patterns that improve memory.
- Music also helps people after surgery, as listening reduces post-operative and chronic pain.
- Music therapy should also help with improving communication, expressing feelings such as fear and loneliness.
Music is simply a force that cannot be explained. It confuses our "heads" and because of this we feel emotions that affect our body.