Do you want your Valentine's Day to be something truly magical this year? Then spend it in the most magical place in the world, in the Great Hall of Hogwarts, the school for wizards and witches where Harry Potter and his party learned the art of magic. In December, they already hosted a Christmas dinner in the space where the films were filmed, and now they are also offering a three-course Valentine's dinner.
Do you like the high life? Do you like to be above everything, do you like to look down? If so, then you will absolutely love these luxurious and beautiful homes that sit on the edge of cliffs and offer incredible views. Here are nine luxury cliff houses to rent.
Humans have built skyscrapers, stunning bridges and incredible pyramids. But our abilities will never surpass Mother Nature's architecture. For decades, even centuries, natural wonders have been formed that today beautify landscapes and soothe our souls in this chaotic world. Nature brings the necessary balance to our digital world and provides us with much-needed peace through natural art. See which 20 natural wonders you must see before you die.
Glamping Mountain Fairy Tale can be found in the hidden mountain gem of Tržič, just a stone's throw from Bled and Ljubljana. In one of the most beautiful and unspoilt parts of Slovenia, in a hidden oasis of incredible nature, beautiful mountain trails and views, they built 6 wooden houses, the entire park is designed according to the principles of feng shui.
Vaccinations against the coronavirus are underway around the world, and many travelers are hoping that this will allow them to travel smoothly again. While the so-called "covid passport" is still being debated, some countries have already started to relax restrictions on vaccinated travelers who have a medical certificate of vaccination. Some countries even recognize a certificate of having recovered from the disease, if it is known that the immunity still lasts.
Along the shores of the Atlantic Ocean lies the vast and magnificent Namibia, which is perfect for travelers who love the excesses of nature. Here the mountains turn apricot, home to the Bushmen, the Kalahari desert, the ghost town of Kolmanskop, wild desert horses and the hilly sand landscape of the Namib desert in changing colours.
Travel memories are usually full of "ufff!", "ahhh!", "yeah, but then..." and similar exclamations that describe pleasant feelings. Traveling is usually one of the more enjoyable and fun experiences in life, isn't it? Well, except when they're not! Sometimes we also hear unpleasant stories about lost luggage, expired passports, street robbery, illness, etc. What can be done to avoid the problems that loom, especially when traveling alone? Here are some tips.

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