
3 questions asked by a man ready for marriage

Men like to hide their emotions. But sometimes they reveal themselves extremely quickly. Do you know the three key questions by which you will know that he is ready for the altar?

Is your man emotionally reserved?! Do you find it a little harder for him to express his feelings? It is quite possible that he communicates with you perfectly clearly. If he asks you any of these questions, then he's ready for the altar. Quite brave.

3 questions that are key:

Does your family like me?

Does your family like me?
Does your family like me?

This question is not exactly naive, as it shows that your crush is serious about your relationship. If someone wants to be with you long-term, they want your family's approval. What he is most interested in is whether your family members will become his family or not. will he feel welcome in your family.

What kind of parents will we be?

What kind of parents will we be?
What kind of parents will we be?

An innocent question that is incredibly important. It may seem like innocent conversation and daydreaming, but when a man asks such things, it's a sign that he wants to share his life with you. It's a good idea to start this conversation early in the relationship, because that's the only way to see if you have the same views on starting a family.

Do you have something to tell me that you haven't already?

Do you have something to tell me that you haven't already?
Do you have something to tell me that you haven't already?

This question is scary, but at this moment you have the opportunity to say things that your partner would probably find out about sooner or later. His testing means he wants commitment. If you can't trust your partner with the truth from the start, your partnership will end sooner rather than later because it is clearly based on insincerity.

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