Each of us has a type of coffee that suits us best. Some swear by black with no additives, others add milk (cow or plant), and still others want nothing more than the latest barista-inspired coffee creation. The latest trend is "step coffee", also known as dalgona coffee.
It is coffee that is produced by mixing instant coffee with sugar and water. When it is ready, gently transfer it over the milk with a spoon. The fact that dalgona coffee or "step coffee" has become so viral is thanks to a video from the TikTok network, which already has more than 10 million views.
Preparing coffee is not as complicated as it seems at first glance, and these days it will more than perfectly replace a cafe specialty that you would otherwise enjoy in the company of friends. People from all over the world are already diligently preparing it, and they share their insanely good creations on Instagram.
Recipe for dalgona coffee ("whipped coffee")
- 2 tablespoons of coffee
- 2 tablespoons of sugar
- 2 tablespoons of water
- milk of choice
Add water to the coffee and sugar mixture and beat the creamy coffee "filling" with the help of a whisk or mixer. You can add it to the milk of your choice, cold or hot. If you want, you can also add chocolate crumbs on top or cover with chocolate topping.
You can also see the preparation in this video.
Dalgona coffee or "step coffee" is viral on all social networks. If you search on Instagram under the “hashtag” #dalgonacoffee and derivatives, you will get over 120 thousand results!
Although social distancing "forces" us to stay at home during the coronavirus pandemic, we have the opportunity to prepare really bad coffee without leaving our home! Experiment as much as you can to find your ideal way of preparing this coffee!
We wish you many pleasures!