
Don't be a victim of the past - forgive the person who hurt you!

Photo: envato

How can forgiveness change your perspective on life and help you achieve inner peace? Read on if you can't forgive someone!

If there is someone who has wronged you or hurt you deeply, it can be difficult to find a way to forgive. It might seem like it would forgiveness it meant that you forgot what happened, or that you came to terms with what happened.

No, forgiveness is something else entirely.

Forgiveness does not mean you forget what happened. It also does not mean that you accept what happened as something that just happened and passed.

Forgiveness is the process of accepting and changing your attitude towards what happened.

The first thing you need to do is admit that you do you cannot control what happened. You may never understand why that person behaved the way they did. You may never get an apology for what happened. However, you can control how you react to it.

There is another step accepting that this person has hurt you. Although you may feel strong or that you have already forgotten about it, it is important to realize that you have been hurt. This does not mean that you are weak or that you have lost control of your life. It means that you are only human and that others can hurt you.

Once you've accepted what happened, you can you begin to decide what to do. You can choose to continue to suffer because of what happened. You can choose to get revenge or try to get back at the person who did this to you. However, doing so will only make your condition worse.

The best option is to decide to forgive. This does not mean that you have to agree with the action that was taken. It means choosing to stop letting that action control or define you. It means deciding not to let that person hold you back in the past.

Forgive yourself. Photo: Adria Garcia Sarceda / Unsplash

In order to forgive, you will need to realize that it is a process that does not happen overnight. You will need time to deal with your feelings in a healthy way.

Many forget that forgiveness is not a miracle cure for the pain and suffering you have experienced. It will not erase the past, nor will it immediately bring peace.

The road to inner peace can be long and arduous. Forgiveness helps keep you mentally and emotionally hydrated along the way.

It allows you to take charge of your life and choose to clean your own wounds, no matter how painful they are.

You will no longer be a victim of your past, but you will create a better future, regardless of the scars of the past.

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