
Take off your clothes! Today is no panties day!

Men, share this with your ladies so they know. Dear ladies, are you brave enough to take off your panties for the day today?

Today, June 22, we celebrate a day without panties. If you still have them on, it's time to throw them away and forget about them for the day. No panties day applies to both sexes!

Panties down!
Panties down!

Doctors also advise that it is better for your health if you sleep without underwear and let your private parts breathe. This should reduce the chance of inflammation, irritation and fungal infections. Fabrics that do not breathe and absorb moisture well are the best breeding ground for bacteria, especially if you tend to sweat. Therefore, it is worth considering what kind of underwear you will wear during the day!

Are you wondering what a woman is like without panties?

This is a woman who is a free spirit and does not have time to deal with something that unnecessarily delays her - such as, for example. Underwear. They solve problems very well, live life passionately and find beauty in everything. People admire their positive energy. They are genuine and it shows quickly.

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