
How to Reach an Agreement Between Heart and Mind (Honest Advice)

Photo: Alora Griffiths/Unsplash

Reason and heart are instruments that must cooperate and coordinate. Sometimes this is difficult. Especially if you are overwhelmed by emotions and cannot separate them, or the heart dominates the mind or vice versa. No matter how much you think and try to analyze things, you don't come to any solution and your heart doesn't help you because you feel anxious and afraid that no decision will be right.

When you try to listen to yourself, you are constantly listening to what others have brought to you through your attitude and behavior. You try to distance yourself from what scares you. You want to be in control of your life, and when your heart gets in the way, you tend to rationalize.

You tell yourself that love is chemistry, it happens or it doesn't happen. You interpret this as if you have never seen or experienced it. Love is a daily practice done with will and purpose rather than feeling.

And when the desires of the heart collide with you, without reason and logic, you realize that you don't even know what to do. You stay because if you continue, you have to question everything you have ever learned and experienced, you have to change your perceptions and attitudes.

The truth is that your mind and heart should not put you in a dilemma, they should be in harmony and work in tandem. You must not act against reason and you must not neglect your heart.

If you want to achieve cooperation and use your heart and mind constructively, you must raise your consciousness, deepen your self-confidence, reject all that is false and apparent, and try to get as close as possible to your truth. Only in the search for truth do heart and mind unite.

Make your dreams come true. Photo: Kal Visuals / Unsplash

There is a time when you have to give in to your feelings and fulfill the desires of your heart. Your mind has to step back and wait for a moment to face the consequences. And when that experience wounds you, it brings painful but valuable lessons.

Your heart has led you into this story and your mind allows you to incorporate cognitive moments, process disappointments, experience the loss of illusions as liberation. You understand why things happened the way they did and why it's good for you.

You have to experience the ascent, the ecstasy, to fly on the clouds of feelings and to be overwhelmed by the tide of feelings. You need to understand why you needed it and why it's not a permanent state you can stay in.

If you can't choose between the desire of your heart and the claims of your mind, you need to ask yourself what would lead to the best outcome in your life. You have to find the right answer to this question.

Sometimes you will get stuck because you refuse to accept defeat. Your mind tells you, don't give up, but your heart burns with desire and does not accept this possibility. Or your mind pursues you with stubborn determination, while in your heart you know it's all in vain. Then you have to ask yourself if you did your best, because if you did, and things don't change, then it's best to back off, even if you don't know why yet. You don't want to face defeat and loss.

Your feelings tell you where you want to go and your mind shows you how to get there. if you can't get where you want to go, the logic goes, you shouldn't be there.

If you persist in a relationship because you are convinced that this person is your soulmate, but they do not return the love you so long for, you need to ask yourself if this is really soulmate love. And if you ask yourself, you already know it isn't. Your heart wants true love and your mind tells you that you won't find it where you're looking.

Sometimes you'll be confused, that's okay. Go ahead. Photo: Taylor Deas Melesh/Unsplash

If you are exhausted and tired of work, lack will and inspiration, your heart tells you that you need rest, deep relaxation, change, even though your mind is chasing you to continue. Then you have to ask yourself if this is the way to make your dreams come true, because it's not. You won't get them by getting sick. You need to ensure rest, break, time to relax.

There is a moment to follow your inner wisdom, just as there is a moment to experience something in the moment without thinking, spontaneously. There is a time of retreat and reflection and a time of action and reliving.

There is a moment when you finally understand why something keeps happening to you, when you finally grasp the meaning of a repeated lesson.

In the end, there are no wrong decisions – there are only lessons that decisions bring us.

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