
How to fall asleep quickly: the idea that flooded Tik Tok

Photo: envato

We've all found ourselves in a situation where we just didn't and couldn't fall asleep. If you had work the next day, you were probably frantically counting the hours until morning, and that further reduced your ability to sleep. To prevent this from happening again, we have prepared for you the fastest way to fall asleep, which flooded the Tik Tok social network.

If you are facing insomnia, not at all you are not the only one. What 36% skins should encounter this problem at least once a week, regardless of whether the cause lies in worries, which they deal with during the day, lack of routine, disordered eating or they are simply insomnia inclined.
That's why many people were happy that it was on the social network Tik Tok she suddenly found out the solution: a new technique for falling asleep when it seems that there is no way we can fall asleep. Many users have noticed that the technique that he published dr. Karan Raj, it really works, and that after hours of tossing and turning in bed, they suddenly found themselves in the world a dream.

Insomnia is no stranger to many people Photo: Kinga Cichewitz / Unsplash

dr. Karan Raj published his advice because he is no stranger to insomnia. He explained that his sleep problems began when he started his medical career: that's when he tried several sleep techniques, which had no right to him effect. Then he finally found it way, which he was initially convinced would not work: paradox technique. Fortunately, this very technique turned out to be exceptional efficient, and so he decided to have her shared with fellow Tik Tok users.
Embrace the paradox technique completely simple way: when you lie in bed, say yes to yourself you must not fall asleep. Still, though turn off the light, telephone and other electronic devices tidy up. The trick lies in the fact that our brains tend to focus to the very thought we want to avoid: so you will when you lie with with open eyes and se force you to stay awake, quickly felt tired and so finally fall asleep.


Weird Sleep Hack

♬ Night Trouble – Petit Biscuit

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