
How to maintain a relationship and prevent estrangement if you have been together for more than 10 years

Photo: netflix

How to save a marriage or a long-term relationship? How to prevent alienation, coldness and lack of passion? Can love fade? How to maintain passion and romantic sparks in a relationship that lasts more than 10 or 20 years?

The experience of many shows that after a few years of living together, distance can appear, the feeling of intimacy disappears and oversaturation can occur. However, love is like a flower that needs to be nurtured again and again - this is the only way to prevent the passion from disappearing.

1. Speak honestly

Your partner can't read your mind, so always say what you feel, it can save your relationship or marriage. Don't let negative feelings build up inside you.

2. Compliment your partner

Compliment your partner, but be honest. Praise his actions, appearance, engagement.

3. Ask questions

Show that you are interested in his work, listen to him. Tell him how you spent the day, share interesting moments with him.


4. Find time for each other

Make it at least half an hour a day, but it's important to have some alone time during the day. Estrangement in relationships often happens when you spend a lot of time apart.

5. Make a list of joint activities

Find joint activities that give you a chance to talk and bond.

6. Digital detox

Make time with your partner a form of digital detox. Live chat more often, put your phone down while you talk.


7. Set common goals

What do you want to achieve next year? And in the next few years? What does your partner want? If you don't know, then find out. Talking about goals and ways to achieve them is a big step towards strengthening relationships.

8. Try the magic formula for a happy marriage

Psychologist John Gotman discovered that in every negative interaction with your partner, you should remember five positive moments from your life together. Don't be afraid to share memories of good times in your relationship.


9. The magic of touch

Hold hands more often, hug your partner. Don't skimp on kisses when you go to work and come home.

10. Make sexual relations spontaneous

Indulge in passion, in the middle of the night, in the morning, in a special place - break the routine and monotony.

11. Give each other space

Relationships can have more potential if both partners have the opportunity to enjoy time apart from time to time.


12. Say: I love you

Although actions speak louder than words, each of us wants to hear "I love you" sometimes. You should not say this mechanically, but sincerely and from the heart.

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