
Mastercard and Planica cooperate in reducing CO2 emissions with SharePlanica.si

Photo: https://shareplanica.si/

The Ski Jumping World Cup (FIS) is one of the most massive and recognizable sports events in Slovenia. However, the increased traffic it generates each year puts a strain on the environment that is often overlooked. In cooperation with Planica, Mastercard has designed the SharePlanica.si car-sharing platform in the framework of the SharePlanica.si project in order to reduce the amount of CO2 emissions in personal transport. In addition, Mastercard will restore forests with the Priceless Planet Coalition project to further reduce the CO2 emissions of participants' personal transportation.

Slovenia it is otherwise considered a green country, but transport is a significant contributor to greenhouse gas emissions, as it creates 53 % of all releases. Compared to other European countries, Slovenia has a 9 % higher share of emissions than the average. Slovenia is in the number of passenger vehicles in relation to the number of inhabitants the third largest polluter in the EU. The traffic congestion around Planica during the finals of the FIS Ski Jumping World Cup is not only unpleasant for drivers and organizers; it also burdens Planica and the Slovenian environment.

Photo: Mastercard

Share transportation to Planica

Mastercard and Planica have set themselves an important goal at the finals of the 2023 FIS Ski Jumping World Cup reduce the CO2 footprint of visitors' personal transport. They developed a solution SharePlanica.si with the slogan of the Delimo PlaniCO2 project. It is a car-sharing platform where visitors to Planica can share their transports or join published transports. In addition, Mastercard will work with the Priceless Planet Coalition to restore forests that absorb CO2 and reduce carbon footprints.

Aleš Petejan, Marketing Director Mastercard Slovenia, said:

Forest restoration within the framework of the Priceless Planet Coalition project is not only a promise, but an active commitment by Mastercard, which is aware that the road to effective CO2 reduction, which both individuals and companies must travel, is still long, but also and above all small steps by everyone count .

According to the Center for Energy Efficiency of the Jožef Stefan Institute, a single transport from Ljubljana to Planica and back creates the same amount of CO2 emissions as the use of a 7 W LED lamp for up to 531 days, and a classic 40 W lamp for up to 93 days, or continuously charging a mobile phone for up to 372 days. These examples show how much impact personal transport has on the environment.

Photo: Mastercard

By using the SharePlanica.si platform, visitors to Planica can significantly reduce their carbon footprint. Many famous faces have already joined the project, including Jernej Damjan, Jurij Tepeš, Miha Deželak, Katka Bogataj, Urška Ahac, Uroš Bitenac, Jan Filip Jordan Frangeš and Lucija Odar from 1000 hours outside.

SharePlanica.si is easy to use for anyone who wants to participate. If you have a car, post your transport on SharePlanica.si and share it with other fans of ski jumping. If you don't have a car, find a ride and join them. Regardless of your scenario, any shared transportation helps reduce carbon emissions and has a significant impact on the environment.

In short, the SharePlanica.si project by Mastercard and Planica is an innovative solution for reducing carbon emissions caused by personal transport. By restoring forests and providing a platform for car sharing, Mastercard and Planica are taking small but important steps towards reducing the carbon footprint of one of the most popular Slovenian events.

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