Most fitness trackers do a great job of tracking exercise, setting goals, and tracking progress, but none really dig into how you exercise. The Athos smart workout garment is something completely different, as it monitors muscle performance and acts as a personal trainer. Stretching has as many as twenty-two different muscle groups on the radar.
Phree is a pencil-like device that allows us to turn any physical surface into a virtual piece of paper. With it, you are no longer limited to the surface of the smartphone screen, where the smart pencil simultaneously "redraws" and saves your written ideas and sketches. At the same time, Phree brings us back to the times when we had more interaction with the world around us and makes sure that we don't forget to write by hand so quickly, you know, like this with a pen and not via a (virtual) keyboard.
A smartphone is an indispensable accessory for a representative of generation Y. Even so much so that he can no longer imagine life without it. At BuzzFeed, they therefore decided to invite six representatives of the millennial generation to an experiment and challenge them. One week without a phone. It wasn't exactly life and death, but for some it wasn't far from it. But they also came to important insights. Check.
Until now, we have been used to wearable technology making our lives easier in many respects, but the fact is that it often adds to stress, as we are constantly in the flow of something happening. WellBe bracelet is something else. It detects when you are under stress through your heartbeat and helps you get rid of it. This also has other positive and long-term effects - better sleep, greater productivity and even slower aging. Get it on Indiegogo.
In a world of smartphones, watches, glasses and homes, the Light Phone tries to stand out by being too smart. Which isn't necessarily a bad thing. The information age can be very tiring. Ever since the advent of smartphones, we have been inundated with alerts, messages, emails and spam calls. The Light Phone is a discreet phone the size of a credit card, designed to be used as little as possible. It connects to a smartphone and only lets calls through. You can reserve it on Kickstarter.
Practically every action camera on the market is already capable of capturing quality footage. What is important is what happens to them after that. The TomTom Bandit action camera aims to make it easy to create videos of your adventures (also with a shake function that allows for easy editing). Using GPS and other sensors, it tracks your speed, altitude and acceleration to automatically select the most exciting moments.
Sony introduced the Touchless Shutter app for automatic camera activation. We trigger this by waving our hand in front of the viewfinder, i.e. the small window where we see what will be captured in the photo. As we know that taking photos in low light conditions can be a real nightmare, often resulting in blurry photos (even when using a tripod or a steady hand), this is a more than welcome addition.
Where do we make new friends today? On Facebook, but where else? The +1 Add Friend brooch, for which Dorota Pankowska took inspiration from social networks, more precisely from Facebook, proves that making friends online has become a social norm. As a result, the word 'friend' also started to be used in quotation marks. Would you have it?
Aivvy Q are smart headphones that bring us music right on the tray. Why? Headphones are an application and a device for streaming music at the same time, even when we are not connected to the Internet. The independent music player in the headphones starts playing music as soon as you put the headphones on your head. On the other hand, "over-the-ear" headphones are interactive - they work on our touch. They are currently fighting for their existence on Kickstarter.
Nokē U-Lock is a smart bicycle lock that connects via Bluetooth Smart to a smart device with the Noke app (iOS, Android or Windows Phone) and thus easily opens our "u" bicycle lock. Although it doesn't solve mathematical puzzles for us, we can safely call it the smartest "u" bike lock currently fighting for its existence on Kickstarter.
It's not easy, let alone cheap, to be a woman. And this is not only because of the extra costs that arise, but because women pay more than men for certain things and services. Check which ones and how they can at least partially compensate for this in life.
Wanting to make the application as good as possible, Instagram has added Color and Fade tools to its arsenal. In December, they already introduced new filters and some other tools, but now when processing photos we can also use additional colors (Color) with which we shade or add different shades of color to the photo, and the color fading effect (Fade) with which we soften the tone of the photo and create ' "aged" appearance.

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