You must have heard of banana bread: a healthy treat that you can prepare in a quick and easy way. There are several different recipes for this bread, but we have found a very special version for you: bread with banana and mango. You don't need many ingredients for it, and it will only take you half an hour to bake.
Male-female friendships are always hotly debated, because when you spend a lot of time with someone, it's easy to fall in love with that person. Friends get to know the deepest parts of you and love you despite all your flaws. But there is a line that separates friends from lovers, and once you cross that line, things will never be the same. These seven signs indicate that your friendship is turning into love and it's time to take your relationship to the next level.
There is a widespread misconception that men are better drivers than women. If we ask science, we will get a very clear answer. Judging by the number of traffic accidents, as well as the penalties, women are much more responsible, careful and better drivers than men.
No one can deny that the popularity of dating apps such as Tinder and Bumble are on the rise and are being used by most of those who are currently single. However, this does not mean that finding a partner through them is easy. Because it's completely normal to be intimidated by the thought of starting a conversation with a potential suitor. That's why we've prepared 10 ways for you to start a conversation on a dating app and also make sure it leads to a date.
If you are classified as a sweet tooth, but at the same time you want to maintain a good body shape, then we suggest that you reach for dark chocolate between meals. This snack may not be as sweet as other types of chocolate, but it is considered extremely delicious, and it also contains a lot of nutrients that have a positive effect on health. We have prepared for you 6 reasons why you should not resist dark chocolate.

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