Never stay with a person who makes you feel uneasy, that feeling when you know something is not right. It seems to you that everything is perfect, but deep down, you know - it's not that. Trust your feelings and if they tell you that you feel safe, comfortable with a person, be with them.
It has long been known that nutrition plays a big role in our health. An abundance of unhealthy foods can lead to overweight and the diseases that often accompany it, while a lack of essential nutrients can cause various health problems. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to what we eat and not to believe every myth that circulates on the Internet. We have prepared for you a list of 5 myths about nutrition that you should not trust.
Cake with Greek yogurt and various types of fruit is a very light, fluffy and refreshing dessert. If you have Greek yogurt in the fridge for a few days and don't plan to eat it, you can use it in the cake preparation. While we love the versions with cottage cheese, mascarpone, or cream cheese, we also love this option that features the popular Greek yogurt.
If the question of fitness enthusiasts used to be whether to buy a sports watch, now the focus is on which sports watch to choose. The range of sports accessories is huge and sometimes it is difficult to know which watch would be the best for us. Therefore, we have prepared a list of 8 smart sports watches for women and checked their price, design, usability and functionality.
Going to the cinema is certainly one of the best and easiest ways to spend a wonderful evening or afternoon. In 2022, there are a bunch of interesting movies coming to the big screen that you would be a shame to miss, and they range from comedies that will make you laugh to the point of tears, to thrillers that will keep you riveted to your seats. We have prepared 6 films for you, which you will soon be able to see in the cinema.

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