
Recurring dreams and nightmares are related to your mental health

Photo: envato

Dreams are among those phenomena that science cannot yet fully explain. But the most mysterious are certainly recurring dreams: that is, dreams that you experience monthly, weekly or even every night. We asked what such dreams could mean and how, if they are not of the most pleasant nature, you can get rid of them.

If you think so, go ahead you dream the same scenes, far from it you are not the only one. Sleep research experts report that dreams are repetitive very common. Sometimes it's a dream pleasant nature, and many times it happens that people experience the same or similarly a nightmare again and again. If this is happening to you too, you must be wondering where it could be lying the cause for this and how such a dream to prevent.

Do your dreams keep repeating themselves? Photo: Ksenia Chernaya / Pexels

What could be the cause of recurring dreams?

The reasons for recurring dreams can vary from individual to individual they differ, but it also depends on whether we are talking about pleasant or horrible dreams. If it's the first, then it's a dream warm, romantic or of a sexual nature, their repetition simply means that about some person you think a lot, yes you miss or you are you want her closeness. Sometimes it is also simply considered that she made a move on you great impression.

What if it's about Nightmares? In general, dreams are said to bring to mind those thoughts that we are buried deep in the subconscious. And often they are traumatic memories, which our brains still they did not process. This does not mean that you will be in a dream experienced once again some traumatic experience, but that you can dream in you they awaken feelings, which you experienced in the most painful moments. They are the most common fear, shame and feelings of helplessness.

What if you have had recurring dreams suddenly? This could mean that you have experienced a traumatic experience not so long ago, and many times the cause is hidden in external factors, which encouraged your emotional instability. They can be stress, burnout, worries and conflicts. If during the day you do not allow yourself to be about problems spoke or you have them at all admitted, it will almost certainly happen that they will come to light during your sleep.

The cause of repeated ones can also be hidden in medical conditions, such as sleep apnea and narcolepsy.

The causes may lie in stress and burnout Photo: Anna Shvets / Pexels

How to prevent such dreams?

If your recurring dreams fall into the category of Nightmares, you definitely want them to get rid of. And you'll do that by figuring out where you're from feelings come out: the easiest way to do this is with help therapist. In addition to professional help, it will also help if you talk about your dreams and painful memories with someone you trust.

If you have noticed that your nightmares have been fueled external factors, we suggest that you try to make your environment as much as possible calm. This means that s stress cope with help rest, breathing exercises, meditation, healthy diet, sports activities and conversations. If the main factor conflict, in which you find yourself, it is best to give it a try resolve or yes, if there is no other option, contact this person interrupt.

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