
Some values are eternal: 7 characteristics of truly cultured people

Culture is not just reading books and going to theaters, it is who you are.

The great Russian writer Anton Pavlovich Chekhov once wrote in a letter to his younger brother that life has its own rules and that in order to be accepted among educated people, a person must first of all be cultured.

Below are - according to him - seven characteristics of cultured people, which are written in us forever!

They respect the human personality

Because of this, they are always kind, honest, considerate and ready to help others.

They show compassion to everyone, not just beggars and cats

They are willing to make sacrifices to help others because they care about what is not visible at first glance.

They show compassion to absolutely everyone!
They show compassion to absolutely everyone!

They always pay off their debts

Why? Because they respect other people's property.

They are honest, sincere, despise lies, do not use even the smallest lies

They do not play, they behave the same both at home and on the street. They know that a lie hurts and humiliates another, so they prefer to remain silent than to speak and talk about nonsense.

They don't use gimmicks to draw attention to themselves

They do not humble themselves to provoke pity in someone. They do not play with the emotions of others.

They know lies hurt.
They know lies hurt.

They do not tolerate false values, they do not care about fame and do not want to be the center of attention

They do not brag about their material possessions. They do not talk about their humanitarian actions.

They have a sense of beauty

They control their feelings and instincts towards the opposite sex, they do not see them as an object of desire.

And don't forget: culture isn't just about reading books and going to theaters, it's who you are.

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