Is it happening to you that despite your efforts and determination, you are unable to lose extra pounds? Losing weight is far from the easiest task, and many people give up on the way to the desired figure and healthy life, or resort to unhealthy diets that only harm their health. To prevent this from happening to you, we have prepared for you 5 main reasons why you cannot lose weight.
1. You skip meals
In the desire to lose kilograms, many people resort to the option that at first glance seems the most logical: skipping meals. However, this way of eating does not represent it in any way long-term solutions, moreover, it is almost impossible to achieve with it desired effect.
When you skip meals, you deprive your body of nutrients, which for their operation urgently needs. Not only does it negatively affect yours general health and leads to stomach problems, but it also causes feelings starvation and increased desire for unhealthy, high-calorie snacks.
That's why we suggest you consume a day 4-5 healthy meals and so make sure you have enough energy and lost kilos without hunger and health problems.
2. Eating "healthy" packaged food
V grocery stores you can find an abundance of products from which the tags shine "hello", "bio", "of course" etc. However, be careful: regulation in the field of nutrition is extremely lax, which allows providers to slightly cheat consumers "deceive". If you carefully check the ingredients of food that is supposed to help you lose weight, you may come across preservatives, sugars and other substances that do not have the best effect on health.
Therefore, we suggest that you prefer meals prepare it yourself and you have so full control over the nutrients you eat.
3. You don't monitor your food intake
Opinions about counting calories are shared: for some, this way of eating it helps making sure they consume exactly as much as they intended, and for others it can lead to an obsession and eating problems. Therefore, we advise that you are with this weight loss technique careful and to stop using it if you feel it is having a negative effect on you.
In any case, it is recommended that you monitor, how many meals you consume. If you are used to unhealthy snacks in front of the television or quick snacks at work, it may happen that lose your senses in terms of how much you actually ate.
4. You don't get enough sleep
Your weight loss success is also influenced by yours Lifestyle, in which he plays a very large role sleep. Not only that quality sleep will ensure a smooth process body processes, such as digestion, but will also reduce your need for unhealthy snacks.
So we suggest you make sure you are sleep enough and that your sleep will be quality. An adult needs approx 8 hours of sleep per night, and the easiest way to achieve a high quality of sleep is with a calm evening routine and healthy ways coping with stress.
5. You don't drink enough water
It often happens that we mix feelings dehydration and hunger, which can lead to excessive caloric intake. That's why it's important to make sure you get enough sleep enough water– recommended daily value for women it is 2.5 l, for men well 3.5 l. In this way, you will encourage yours metabolism and thus increase the chances of success in losing weight.
Experts also note that there are people who, on average, they don't sleep enough, more inclined to unhealthy diet.