
Trick: how to unclog your nose naturally?

Photo: envato

Cold season is already in full swing, and with it comes many symptoms, such as a sore throat, headache, as well as the most disturbing - a stuffy nose.

Even if you don't have a cold, you don't have the flu, and you feel fine, a stuffy nose can be the result of various phenomena and processes, such as allergies, spicy food, stress, and hormonal changes.

There are many ways to help yourself, but if you're looking for a quick, easy and effective way, try this trick from physical therapist James Moore. On the social network Instagram, he shared advice on how to support a blocked nose in a natural way.

In addition, consider the following tips on how to unclog your nose!

Home remedies for stuffy nose

When the nose is blocked, it is important to keep the nasal passages and sinuses as moist as possible, because a dry environment will further irritate the membrane. Some natural methods you can use to help yourself are steam inhalations, warm compresses, soups, aromas of essential oils and red onions. If none of the above helps, talk to your doctor who will recommend a nasal spray or other medication.

Steam inhalation

Heat the bathroom and fill it with hot steam from the shower. The bathroom should not be so hot that breathing becomes difficult. Inhale for about 10 minutes.

Warm lining

Pour two cups of water into a pot and heat until boiling, cut a few rings of ginger root, and cook for 10 to 15 minutes. Dip the towel in the tea and squeeze out the excess liquid. Place a warm compress on your forehead or nose and keep the compress there for 15 minutes, then repeat the process if necessary.

Banish the infestation. Photo: Andrea Piacquadio / Pexels


A humidifier has proven to be a useful solution. Instead of a humidifier, you can place a ceramic container filled with water on the radiator. If you add a few drops of essential oil to the water, you will not only refresh the space you are in, but with the right choice, you will further relieve this annoying problem.

Warm soup

Chicken soup definitely has two benefits for anyone with a cold. In addition to its warmth helping when you are sick, it will also help with mucus flow and blood circulation.

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