
What Causes Pimples: Don't Eat These Foods If You Have Acne!

Photo: envato

If you are dealing with acne skin, it is good to know which foods cause pimples and inflammatory processes on the skin and in the body! Acne is the most common skin problem and most people face it at least once in their life.

Dermatologically tested cosmetic products are most often recommended for the treatment of acne, but we must not forget what is inside, as the appearance of acne can be related to health and even some diseases. It is also important to pay attention to the food you eat and to be physically active.

How does acne occur?

On the surface of the skin are small openings called pores that are connected to the sebaceous glands. Acne occurs when these pores become clogged with dead skin cells or sebum in the presence of acne-causing bacteria. Products with antibacterial ingredients are most often used for acne skin care. Among the most commonly used are salicylic acid, zinc, white clay, tea tree oil.

When it comes to diet and acne, the most important thing is to lower blood sugar levels. When blood sugar spikes after a meal, the body releases a lot of insulin-like growth factor, a hormone that makes the sebaceous glands work even more.

Say no to fast food. Photo: Mike/Unsplash

Foods that stimulate this process, include pasta, rice, white bread, sodas, and other sources of simple carbohydrates. Even foods that we consider healthy can play a role in sugar spikes, such as potatoes or cooked beets, as they also have a high glycemic index.

Nutritionists emphasize that people with acne problems should avoid the following foods:

Fast food

Junk food has a bad effect on the skin. Limit your intake of chips, crackers, fizzy drinks, cakes, sweets, cured meats, canned food, etc.


It is the main factor for pathogenic flora in our body. Remove all added sugar (candies, jams, pastries).


The skin is a reflection of the state of the gastrointestinal tract - if you have frequent acne problems, it is better to check if you are sensitive to gluten.

Enjoy as little sugar as possible. Photo: Lama-Roscu / Unsplash

Dairy products

Ice cream, milk, fresh cheese, etc.

High GI fruit

Exclude them from your diet for a while until your acne problems are resolved. (bananas 60, melons 60, papaya 55, mango and persimmon 50.)
Dates, grapes, pineapples, apricots and oranges, as well as most canned fruits, also boast a high GI.

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